Welcome to day 13 of your Summer Sculpt Challenge! Each daily bodyweight workout is designed with a different target in mind to achieve best results. You will find the number of sets and repetitions with each exercise demonstration along with a description of how to perform the exercise.

Stand with feet wide apart with toes pointing out. Bend your knees and lower your body almost to a sitting position. Lift heels off the ground and lower back down.

4 rounds X 20 reps

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Raise one leg up lifting it out laterally away from the body. Pause and return to starting position.

4 rounds X 12 reps/each side

Lie on your back with knees bent while keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your right leg straight up in the air at the height of your hips. Maintaining your upper back on the floor, squeeze your glutes and raise your hips. Pause at the top and lower back to the starting position.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing back hips while bending your knees. Attempt to hold this position for 60 seconds, then rest 30 seconds and repeat.

Lie flat on your back with arms next to your hips. Lift legs up and bend your knees so they're over your hips at 90 degrees. Contracting your belly, slowly lower one foot. Return to starting position and repeat with the other foot.

Lie on the floor bending your knees. Engaging your core, lift your upper body while extending arms forward. Return to starting position.

Position your body in a side arm forearm plank. Lower your hip toward the ground and raise to starting position. Try to maintain your core engaged.