Welcome to day 19 of your Summer Sculpt Challenge! Each daily bodyweight workout is designed with a different target in mind to achieve best results. You will find the number of sets and repetitions with each exercise demonstration along with a description of the exercise.
4 rounds X 12 reps/each side

Start in a plank position with elbows under your shoulders and feet hip-width apart. Engaging your core and squeezing your glutes, bend your right leg to bring the knee as close to your right elbow as possible. Step back to the plank position and repeat on your left side.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extending your arms to the sides, circle your arms with controlled, gradually bigger motions.

Position hands shoulder-width apart with your legs bent and feet placed hip-width apart. Straighten out your arms while keeping a little bend in your elbows. Slowly bend at your elbows and the lower upper body toward the floor. At the bottom of the movement, push yourself back to the starting position.

4 rounds X 12 reps/side

Lie flat on the ground with legs raised at a 90 degree angle. Keep your arms pressed on the ground on your sides. Rotate hips to one side until your leg touches the floor. Move back to starting position and repeat on other side.

Start in push-up position and hop your feet forward while feet remain shoulder-width apart. Hop feet backwards and return to starting position.

Position your body in a side arm forearm plank. Place your left arm behind your head and rotate the left side of your body toward the floor. Return to starting position.